Psychoanalysis and Motivational Systems. A New Look de Lichtenberg, J.D.,Lachmann, F.M. y Fosshage, J.L. (Reseña de Carlos Rodríguez).  


Lichtenberg y colaboradores presentan una nueva versión de su teoría general de la motivación humana, cosa que no se ha llegado a completar nunca desde el psicoanálisis ortodoxo, y se ven quizá obligados a utilizar la “lengua franca” de la psicología actual, es decir, el lenguaje cognitivista.


Palabras clave: Sistema Motivacional, Linchtenberg, Lachmann, Fosshage, Sutil.


Lichtenberg and collaborators present a new version of his general theory of the human motivation, thing that it has never managed to complete from the orthodox psychoanalysis, and meet probably obliged to use the " language Franc " of the current psychology, that is to say, the cognitivist language.

English tittle: Psychoanalysis and Motivational Systems. A New Look.


Keywords: Motivational Systems, Linchtenberg, Lachmann, Fosshage, Sutil.


J.L. Lichtenberg (2001). Motivational Systems and Model Scenes With Special References to Bodily Experience. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 21, 3, 430-447



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