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Próximo Congreso Internacional: ATENAS (GRECIA) - 19 al 22 de Junio de 2025 Más Información en este enlace

Información sobre Congresos y Reuniones internacionales de IARPP ya celebrados:

  • MÉRIDA (Yucatán, México), 20 al 23 de Junio 2024 - Tema:  Relational Psychoanalysis: The Quest for Belonging and the Co-creation of a Therapeutic ”Home”
  • VALENCIA (España), 15 al 18 de Junio 2023 - Tema: Meeting the Other:  Relational Psychoanalysis in dialogue with multiple perspectives
  • LOS ÁNGELES - 16 al 19 de Junio de 2022 (Originalmente prevista para 2020, se aplazó por la Pandemia). Tema: Expanding our clinical experiences. The spoken, unspoken and unspeakable in Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. 
  • TEL AVIV - 20 al 23 de Junio 2019 - Conference Chairs: Steven Kuchuck, DSW (New York); Ilana Laor, Ph.D. Tami Dror-Schieber, MA; Dan Friedlander, MA (Israel) - Tema: Imagining with Eyes Wide Open:  Relational Journeys. 
  • NEW YORK -  14 al 17 de Junio 2018- Conference Chairs: Margaret Black (New York) & Hazel Ipp (Toronto) - Tema: HOPE AND DREAD. THERAPIST AND PATIENTS IN AN UNCERTAIN WORLD
  • SIDNEY -  25 a 28 de Mayo de 2017  Conference Chairs: Cathy Hicks, PhD (Australia); Sarah Calvert, PhD (New Zealand) - Tema: DESDE LOS MÁRGENES AL CENTRO. Perspectivas Relacionales Contemporáneas.  Más Información en este enlace
  • Roma, 9 a 12 Junio 2016 - Tema: Las artes del Tiempo. Psicoanálisis Relacional  y las formas de vitalidad en el proceso clínico. Conference Chairs: Susanna Federicci, Gianni Nebiossi. Lugar de celebración: Teatro Argentina, Roma
  • Toronto (Canadá) - June 25-28, 2015 - Tema: The Relational Pulse: Controversies, Caricatures & Clinical Wisdom(Intercontinental Toronto Centre, Toronto, Canada).  Conference Chairs: Hazel Ipp, Margaret Black, Spyros D. Orfanos
  • Santiago de Chile (Chile), Noviembre 2013: XI Annual Conference: Encuentro de tradiciones: Campo, Vínculo y Matriz en la teoría y práctica psicoanalíticas (Centro de Extensión de la Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile)
  • New York (USA), Marzo 2012: IARPP 2012 - X Annual Conference. The Legacy of Stephen A. Mitchell. Sustaining Creativity in our psychoanalytical work (The Roosevelt, New York)
  • Madrid (España), Junio 2011: IARPP 2011 - IX Annual Conference. Changing Psychoanalysis for a Changing Society. Relational Perspectives. (NH Eurobuilding, Madrid)
  • San Francisco (USA), Febrero 2010: IARPP 2010  VIII Annual Conference. Expanding Relational Context. (Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco)
  • Tel Aviv (Israel), Junio 2009: IARPP 2009 VII Annual Conference. The Shadow of Memory. Perspectives on remembering and forgetting. (Hotel David Intercontinental, Tel Aviv).
  • Baltimore (USA), Mayo 2008: IARPP 2008 VI Annual Conference.
  • Atenas (Grecia), Junio 2007: IARPP 2007 V Annual Conference.
  • Boston (USA) 26 al 29 Enero 2006: IARPP 2006 IV Annual Conference, Close Encounters: Relational Perspectives at the Psychological Edge (Boston Park Plaza Hotel, Boston, Massachussets)
  • London (UK) 30 Septiembre 2005: Encuentro de los miembros U.K. de IARPP, presidido por  Susie Orbach
  • Roma (Italia) 23 al 26 Junio 2005: The IARPP Rome III Conference 2005: Unconscious experience: Relational perspectivas. L'esperienza Inconscia: Prospettive Relazionali [co-sponsored by ISIPSÈ - Istituto di Specializzazione in Psicologia Psicoanalitica del Sé e Psicoanalisi Relazionale (Italy) ]
  • London (UK) 16 de Abril 2005: The Relational Grouping in the UK in Association with The International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (IARPP)  Coordinado por Susie Orbach
  • Barcelona (España) 1 y 2 Octubre 2004: Joseph Lichtenberg  (Inaugural Conference of the Second Seminar for Continuing Training In Contemporary Relational Psychoanalysis, 2004-5); Sponsored by IARPP/Barcelona and ISIPSe (Istituto di Specializzazione in Psicologia Psicoanalitica del Sé e Psicoanalisi Relazionale - Italy)
  • Los Angeles, (CA, USA) 29 de Abril a 2 de Mayo 2004: The International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy's Second Biennial Conference: Unpacking the Clinical Moment: Continuities and Discontinuities Between Relational Theory And Other Psychoanalytical Perspectives
  • Toronto (Canada) 18 y 19 Enero 2003: Evolving Perspectives on Therapeutic Impasse: Relational Analysts at Work (The Toronto Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis and The International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy) 
  • New York (USA) 23 Noviembre 2002: Sexuality-Yours, Mine and Ours: Relational Forays into Underexplored Dimensions of Sexual Experience and Sexual Identity. Conference IARPP. 
  • New York (USA): 18 al 20 Enero 2002: Relational Analysts at Work: Sense and Sensibility. A Conference in Honor of Stephen A. Mitchell. Organizado por Stephen A. Mitchell Center for Relational Psychoanalysis. (Conferencia fundacional de IARPP).

IARPP: Información sobre próximos congresos:
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Consulte otra documentación de especial interés en el portal de IARPP:
Coloquios on-line celebrados: http://www.iarpp.net/resources/web_seminars/index.html

Mensaje de Ann Marie Sacramone y Esther Bamberger (25 Noviembre 2013)

We are writing on behalf of the IARPP Child and Adolescent Interest Group. Our group held its 5th annual meeting at the 2013 IARPP annual conference in Santiago. The meeting was well attended and included a group of Chilean child clinicians who have their own IARPP Chilean child group. We found that the Chilean child group is an active group with around 40 members, many of whom were not enrolled in the international group. The Chileans and the international IARPP Child and Adolescent Interest Group were excited to be able to connect and have much to offer each other. This, of course, made us wonder if other local chapters contained local groups of child clincians who would like to interact with our international group. We hope that you all will facillitate the connection of the child clinicians in your chapter with our group. We are attaching the foundation statement of the IARPP Child and Adolescent Interest Group for your use toward this end. We hope to hear from you presently.
Warm regards,
Ann Marie Sacramone
Esther Bamberger
Co chairs IARPP Child and Adolescent Interest Group

Véase documento anexo para más información.

Sándor Ferenczi Center en la New School for Social Research (New York)

Carta de Lewis Aron a los miembros de IARPP (17-Junio-2008):

Dear All, I received many of your names from Franco Borgogno and I am writing to update you on a new development regarding Ferenczi studies in the USA and to ask for your support with this new venture.  

I was asked a few months ago by Franco Borgogno and Carlo Bonomi (Ferenczi scholars in Italy who are active in the Ferenczi Society) to develop a society for Sandor Ferenczi in the USA/North America for the purpose of promoting Ferenczi scholarship and especially to help raise money to support the Ferenczi House Project and the International Sandor Ferenczi Foundation.  (Similar societies exist throughout Europe but until now not in the USA.)  
Jeremy Safran (the director of clinical psychology at the New School for Social Research, NYC) and I have established the Sandor Ferenczi Center at the New School for Social Research and we will co-chair this project.  Adrienne Harris and Eli Zaretsky will serve with us constituting the center's steering committee.  
This is of historical interest and significance because it was at the New School that Ferenczi taught during his stay in New York in 1926.  It is also of some significance that we established the Ferenczi Center precisely 100 years after Ferenczi's first meeting with Freud in 1908.  I do not know for sure, but I believe it may be the first Ferenczi Center established at a major university anywhere in the world.
Among our goals are to do fund-rasing to help support the Ferenczi House Project and the International Sandor Ferenczi Foundation, to promote new translations and publications of Ferenczi's writings, as well as to sponsor conferences and promote research, scholarship, and publications regarding Ferenczi here in the USA.  Our plan is to now develop the various levels of membership including: associates, affiliates, advisors, and sponsoring organizations.
We will keep you informed of our progress and we hope to make public announcements by the Fall and to attract strong support and membership in the USA.  I would appreciate your helping me make any significant contacts with organzations or individuals to help support the new center.
Thank you,
Lewis Aron [lewaron@psychoanalysis.net]
Respuesta de Ferenc Erős (18-Junio-2008)
Dear Dr. Aron,
I would be happy to cooperate with  the Ferenczi Center at the New School the foundation of which I regard as a major event, Together with Professor Antal Bókay we direct a doctoral program in psychoanalytic theory at the University of Pécs since 1997. I propose to establish institutional contacts, too, between our university and the Center at the New School. 
I am the editor of the journal Thalassa, a Hungarian review on psychoanalysis, culture and society since 1990. The journal would be a good forum for the scientific events and discussions at the Center, too. I edited the Hungarian translation of the Freud-Ferenczi correspondence which was published between 2000 and 2005. At the present I am working on the Jones-Ferenczi correspondence together with Judit Székács. After transcribing the original letters written mostly in German, we are preparing its publication. There are many activities going on in the framework of the doctoral program (seminars, conferences, publications). Recently we had Professor Murray Schwartz as guest lecturer, an we are open to future exchanges with the Center. 
In February 2007 I gave a seminar on Ferenczi and the Hungarian psychoanalysis. I met then Ely Zaretsky and Dr. Safran with whom I had most fruitful discussion.
I propose to contact Professor Antal Bókay. His email is bokaya@t-online.hu
Best regards
Ferenc Erős